QUO VADIS VALORIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE? (criticism of the student evaluation system imposed by the regulations of the University of Banja Luka)


  • Dejan Lučka Graduate student of the Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina




The goal of the paper is to critically review certain regulations of the University of Banja Luka, which contain parts on student evaluation and valorization of their knowledge, as well as to encourage action with the aim of a different interpretation/change of those unfair provisions. These provisions, although only a fraction of the typhoon brought about by the application of the so-called The Bologna declarations at the University are that retrograde force that dissipates the lumen that should be woven into the assessment of the amount of knowledge of students. The Faculty of Law, i.e. the students who study at it, felt and still feel the massacre of the spirit eager for knowledge due to the bureaucratic obstacles of the university rules.





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